Wednesday, December 13, 2006


Well All

Had my VIDA orientation yesterday which was great. Went and bought my shiny new motorbike helmet...and no I don't have a bike but 'motos'are the main taxi here. Oh before i forget i went to the National Museum which was quite nice where i think i got hit on by a Buddhist monk. Well he kept asking me if i had a gf and touching my shoulder and finished with a nice 'i need some money to pay my teacher''

Today met all the WFP people which was great and turns out there are other Aussies volunteering both in the central office. Everyone seems really nice and i am very excited. I had the obligatory security briefing. Turned up ten minutes late and got some very cold glances. The guy giving the briefing didnt say anything to me and shoved the attendance sheet at me. But he had the coolest accent (Irish and Caribbean) so even him trying to be scary about security sounded quite unconvincing.

I am spending the week here and travel to my real home (Kampong Speu) on Monday morning.

Oh below is photos of the WFP country office and the warehouse.

Bye :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh Mapu, why were you late?

I hope everyone was nice to you after giving you cold looks :)

do the other volunteers have nice houses? I think I should've marked you as mine to prevent Buddhist monks hitting on you (but that's not QUITE what I was expecting!)


5:16 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...


Are you sure that guy was actually a buddhist monk....

Strange question - but whats with the 'Mapu'?


9:28 AM

Blogger Mapu said...


Just a stupid name my family calls me :)

8:58 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey matty,

what up?? sounds like it's off to a good start. hope you havent had anymore weird encounters of the gay kind..hehe, can be a little confronting i for money, now how can that be possible in cambodia??

keep blogging, it's nice to know that you havent been abducted by monks or gorilla's..moohhahaha!!

let me know when you meet u with ange.

take care

9:19 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

why do all the guys hit on you?

5:00 AM


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