Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Mystery Foods

Hi All

Been pretty average few weeks really, nothing too exciting. Been trapped in the office all week so this month i went below my monitoring target of getting out into the field so I will have to try better in March.

Next week i am Head of Office again, as my boss is going to Bangkok for statistics training (fun!). Hopefully will get out and about. Monday morning have a ceremony handing over some new kitchens at some school that TNT (as in TNT the company) built but i will tell you more bout that later.

Been invited to a flurry of weddings (tis wedding seasons - after harvest but before it gets too hot and wet). Have one tonight, then on Saturday and then the Saturday after!

I bought a basketball ring and ball for the office but there is no where to put it up without risking smashing the windows of the office...sigh!

Oh I will leave you with this photo from this party we had last week. I was told it was gonna be fried chicken but dinner ended up looking like this. It is deep fried whole rabbit, eel, deer stir fried with ants and the last dish...? well I will leave that one up to your imaginations but lets just say there is ten bucks involved.


Oh I found some pics from singapore


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