Saturday, December 30, 2006

Me Casa

Hi All

Have finally reduced the size of my house photos so i have out them on shutterfly here ( I had to reduce the quality but i am sure you can get the gist (there is now a lot more furniture). Brian the american moved out on Friday and Thierry the Belgian moved in. Last week we had the hello, farewell and new years party at the office where we consumed about 3.5L of whiskey and a case of beer '(including me having to challenge a 6ft 2 american to a 'shotgun' (stabbing the tinnie with a knife and sculling it - i lost. They also play very competitive badminton and my boss told me to go to play with the girls by the river side for 2007 and in 2008 i can play with them (joking of course...i think :)

Had a bit of a fever last week so had it checked out in Phomn Penh and its nothing although i did get into a fight with the medical clinic but that was an insurance thing. Oh i also have my UN id now tee hee. i also am supposed to carry around a radio and have a callsign. I wont put what it is here but its something like echo-tango 6, very skirmish-esque.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

nice. now i can print out your id and make my own. If only i could alter my appearance to look like a matt hilton. perhaps i should be mattina?

I hope the girls were suitably horrified at being told you had to play with them, although i thought that your family Christmas badmington might have been practice enough, it seems not.

I like your callsign. Do people say "ET phone home" when they call you?

7:19 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh and I'm glad to see someone's using coles green bags!

7:22 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ins't there something extermely dodgy about putting your UN id on the web! But the house looks great and very big- you have lucked out on that one.

7:08 AM

Blogger Jo said...

hey hey matt man!
wow! i cant believe your all grown up!miss you man!
broke my wrist snowboarding in france and was in hospital for a couple days, needless to say, my white christmas was more hospital-sterile-white then snow white, but hey, i survived and thtas the main thing :)
keepme updated
miss ya!

8:08 AM

Blogger Mapu said...

Well Inky, I am a pretty dodgy guy, you know that!

10:59 AM

Blogger Unknown said...

Oh no Jo!
You poor thing!!! Just remember, as long as you don't fall down, you can keep snowboarding with a broken wrist. :)

Hope you're having fun and your liver's holding up.

oh and Inky, nice to see you've embraced your superhero name so completely that you don't even use your real name anymore.

12:25 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my god Jo. I so just realised you AND Lizzy broke your wrist/hand. Did you girls plan this????

12:32 PM

Blogger Jo said...

unplanned but pretty funny, especailly since Liz is now with me in London, and we are both running round with broken right wrists :) its cool to match in London :)

8:16 PM


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