Friday, March 16, 2007

Movin' Dirt

Ok enough of that soppy HIV stuff, here is some real masculine stuff - digging. Well watching other people dig. We went to go measure some new ponds the other day so here are some photos. PS we are into day 4 of a funeral next door, which means monks chanting at 5am!

This is an example of a pond completed last year. Its pretty empty cos it hasnt rained in a while.

This is a rice bank put together by a french NGO here VSF. Basically WFP provides a bunch of rice and the NGO/Community build store. People borrow the rice in the hungry times (when last harvests rice runs out and before next harvest) and repay once their harvest comes in. Sorry cant figure out how to turn it around!

This is an example of an 60% complete road with people working on it. See how high it is above the ground due to flooding risk so it is real hard work for them.

This is us measuring (i am not in the photo) the site for a future pond.


Blogger Square Wedding Cakes said...

Hey Mate,

Sorry we haven't talked in a while. Things have been rather hectic here with buying the house and all but i will be buying a phone card this afternoon to give you a call.



10:30 AM


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