Saturday, July 07, 2007

Randomness in the Spue

Hey All

Sorry, another post so soon but I just had to share some random events in the spue lately

Firstly, the other night (worried about mozzie bites) i put on some repellant before i went to bed. I couldnt find my usual one so I used this kids one i got free that smelt like that horrible sickly sweet bubblegum smell. There is also a large gecko that has taken to living in my room and kinda walks along the walls and roof, i figure if its minding its own business thats fine. That and its the closest thing we have to a cat. So anyway the other night i wake up in the middle night to find it licking my feet, attracted to the repellant (in which my faith is shattered). I kinda freaked out and kicked it off and it scurried away. Didnt sleep the whole night after that. He he he Gross...

Then yesterday we were passing through Phnom Penh so i withdrew some money but was given $100 bills which are almost impossible to break. So i went to the Kampong Speu bank and asked them to change $200 US into smaller notes. After about fifteen minutes watching the courtesy WWE wrestling on the TV i was quite suspicious about what was taking so long, they called me and triumphantly presented me with 819,400 Riel. Hmmm thats a fat wad of bills. Anything above 4000 riel is done in US dollars so i think it will take me a whole year to use them up! Mental Note: Learn khmer for $20 bills.

Oh and last night having stained both my white WFP polo shirts i was stain removing by the light of my headlamp to the tunes of ''Wu Tang Clan Ain't Nothing to #### with'' much to the bemusement of the guard. Oh and the stains are still there (the instructions for the stain remover being in Khmer). Hmmm


Blogger Unknown said...


10:40 PM

Blogger Square Wedding Cakes said...

You need to diversify yo' bonds, nigga!


6:40 AM

Blogger Square Wedding Cakes said...

Hey that gecko will come in handy when you start to miss tess hey?


6:40 AM

Blogger Unknown said...



4:46 PM


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