Tuesday, May 15, 2007



On the occasion of His Majesty Preah Karuna Preah Bat Samdech Preah Boromneath Norodom Sihamoni's 54th Birthday we had a long weekend so i decided to head up to a town near the Thai border called Battambang. I figured it was one of those places that I might never visit unless I made a concious effort so off I went.

It is a pretty average town (river, shops, the usual) but is the ricebowl of Cambodia so there are tonnes of rice paddies around, which are all green and flooded at the moment. For some reason there are tonnes and tonnes of statues everywhere!

After the 5 hour bus trip (next to who I think was a Vietnamese prostitute who was taking a 2 day bus oddesey to Malaysia) I had a bit of a looksey around town and retired early.

The next day I met a driver called Jerry and we headed off to see the sights. On the way we drove through lots of villages and stuff and I didnt have the heart to tell him I get plenty of the village perspective in my work :) It was threatening to piss down all day but we were lucky.

Phnom Sampeu means sailing boat mountain. Ok the story goes like this, a long time ago a prince jilted a woman in Battambang so she was very sad. She found a crocodile egg one day and took it to the hermit to turn into a son for her. So the egg hatched and there was a son, who could also turn into a giant crocodile incredible hulk style. So the Prince came back one day and the son confronted him why he jilted his mother. Unsatisfied the crocodile attacked the boat but another spirit, the lady with the long hair saw this and intervened (she dried the water by dipping her hair in the lake). So this battle went on forever and eventually all three turned into mountains.

Phnom Sampeu is unfortunately also famous for being a Khmer Rouge stronghold during those times. Aproximately 10,000 people were killed there by being pushed into openings at the top into the killing caves. It was really creepy being in those caves and there are memorial stupas there filled with the remains of some of the victims.

This was the small killing cave

and this the large one. There was also anti-aircraft guns at the top installed by the KR for the face off with the Vietnamese when they liberated the country, instructions written in German.

From the top there is pretty amazing views of the flooded rice paddies and ''crocodile mountain''.

Next we went to Wat Banan which was built between the 10th and 14th century. Its like a million steps up (well 300 and something) but very steep. Was pretty cool and the views were nice. It was built in a similar style to Angkor Wat.

I met up with some backpackers and we went out and hit this really awesome club that night. It was really weird cos it was playing like reggaeton, crunk, dirty south which is very unusual for a Khmer club. But there was a very disturbing side to it. In the bathrooms at the urinals, you get a neck massage from one of the attendants. I am all for massage but that, that aint cool!

Anyway this week I should be in the field for most of the week, then on Friday night an informal gathering with the other volunteers. I got a phone call from the volunteer manager last week asking where i have been for the last few months because I hadnt contacted him or turned up to any events...whoops!

The rainy season has begun a little early so i keep getting caught in it and getting soaked. i have now taken to wearing boots cos i am sick of sinking in the mud!


Blogger Square Wedding Cakes said...

Hey Suga,

Never heard of the killing caves but they sound pretty bad. Thanks for the history lesson. It was great to see you.

Shaniqua (Simon)

10:10 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

i think i'd need a conscious effort to go to killing caves. Wow. In complete converse...well it seems that way to me now...today I went to the UN to hear a talk about Space Law. Twas interesting....and a nice memorial fountain. and lots of flags.

3:26 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

More blog, more blog, I want more blog.

7 days till I can post a cambodia story of my own!!

9:01 PM


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