Monday, April 02, 2007


Hi All

This past weekend was kinda bizarre. It was the commune elections (which is like local government) and there were demonstrations and parades everywhere. They also shut down the sms network to stop people starting trouble or spontaneous demonstrations. So everyone at work today has permanent ink on their index finger (you have to give your fingerprint to get your ballot).

Went out for drinks with some people at a Russian place on Saturday and drank far too much vodka - I can't really remember much but I know it involved swimming...hmmm. A WFP guy working in Sudan was over here to inspect the Cambodian deminers that are going over to begin work over there and he was pretty cool. Except that he was showing me some pictures of Sudan then went into the wrong folder and brought up pictures of a bus full of people that had hit a landmine which were very explicit...

Here's some interesting stats on Cambodia that came out recently.
13.7 million people
84% live in rural areas
GDP per capita is only USD$350
53% of children 5-17 work
Primary school completion rate of 42.9%
Upper Secondary completion rate of 11%
44% have access to clean water
1/22 mothers die during childbirth
22% of households have access to sanitation
1/12 children born will die before their 5th birthday
35% of children are underweight and 37.2% stunted
34% of people live under the official poverty line (which is 1861 Cambodian Riel or under US50c a day).


Blogger Square Wedding Cakes said...

Hey Mate,

Sounds like you are still making friends. I had a reunion weekend with the Vanuatu people this weekend which just made my heart heavy of how i want to get back out there. Built up some capital and then get back out there i guess. I miss you.


7:09 AM


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