Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Walk the World 2007

Here are some photos from Walk the World held last Sunday.

The day before we had dinner at Akberet's (Finance/Admin Officer at Phnom Penh) house and had yummy Eritrean food. Then we all suspected Kurt (Assistant Head of Kampong Cham Office) had Dengue so we him over the the clinic and stayed with him till the tests cleared him.
The next morning was Walk the World so blearly eyed i crawled out of bed at 6:30, donned my hideous orange and blue shirt, hopped on a motodop, grabbed some coffee and a croissant and headed down to Hun Sen Park.
It was a fun morning, basically involves us walking around the park to protest child hunger. The march was led by some Khmer traditional art performers (especially good was the lead guy with an axe and some hectic make up) ...

...and 4o0 school kids.

These three received prizes and gave particuraly moving speeches. Their NGO school operates near the garbage dump and gives an opportunity for rag pickers to go to school.

Its meant to be held simultaneously around the world but i think Cambodia was a bit late. It was capped off by a Khmer pop star.
After the march finished at 9am we went over to a restauraunt over the other side of the Japanese Bridge for a farewell for Yuki. He is leaving to work with WFP in East Timor and is just the most awesome, humble and capable guy. He will be missed.

Predictably, our office got hammered which meant a sore head for the rest of the day :)


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