Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Me-un Panyaha! (Have Problem!)

Hi Everyone

So...wanting to get out of the office this week, I accompanied Ratha and Vuthy to go check on non-food items (NFI) in Basedth District of the Speu. Why they just dont call them box culverts (since thats all we ever give) i dont know! Anyway, normally i dont go on this field trips cos looking at concrete pipes aint really my thing, but throwing caution to the wind i went (I must admit I have a soft spot for Basedth, quite a picturesque area).

Unfortunately there has been a small plague of brown planthoppers that is affecting rice fields. We pulled up and had a look around and it was clear this village had been hit hard, with healthy rice fields dying out. The village chief said that of the 130 Ha of fields, 90 had been destroyed and they expected the rest to go soon. Obviously they cant afford insecticides and when they do use them they dont use them safely or effectively.

So we will keep an eye on it and wait and see if a food gap appears or not. The villagers also made a special prayer and burnt some infected rice to see if there would be any divine intervention, lets wait and see about that as well.

Anyway, so we looked at some concrete pipes being built to control water flow and provide road access. As i say, not really my thing but Ratha was in control.

The interesting part happened when we were negotiating round some tiny village roads to get to another site. So Ratha and I hopped out and Vuthy was gonna turn the car around. Unfortunately the side of the road collapsed and the car slid into the rice fields.

Vuthy tried to gun it and things quickly got worse, the two side wheels went underwater and one wheel on the other side was in the air. Uh Oh!

road 51`!
As you can imagine this spectacle soon attracted the attention of most of the village so soon we had a crew going. I was having a little trouble following the action due to language problem so i was put to work as the anchor to bring the wheel back on the ground (given that most Khmers probably weight like 40kg I was valulable bulk :)

Two hours later we were out and i helped carry some of the wood we used as rails to drive along. Except I picked up the heaviest piece and negotiated my way over bamboo fences etc before realising I had walked straight past the house I was taking it too! So much to the bemusement of the villagers I negotiated my way back over the fragile fence muttering 'just don't fall over, just don't fall over!

Anyway, this is rainy season!


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