Tuesday, February 12, 2008


I Just realised I didn't share with you the whole compound so those photos might be a little meaningless. So relax and enjoy surroundings of Matt's bachelor pad part II. So Romany lives downstairs of the main house and I live in the upstairs. Along the side is some boarding rooms where some of the WFP and UNICEF people stay during the week cos their house is back in Phnom Penh.
And this is the spirit house out the front (which all houses have). As you can see the offering is normally fruit but in celebration of Chinese New Year, also a can of Fanta.
Moving here was the best thing I ever did, I am getting lots of yummy food from Romany and Rina who live downstairs so I have to think of some nice things to give them in return (maybe I should cook them pasta?). The Julien and Marie-Helene and the kids (henceforthe known as the Belgians) are just the nicest people. They always drop around for a chat or I headover to theirs. The kids are just so affectionate always coming up for hugs and stuff. Their favourite activity is running head first into the spare mattress leaned up against the wall in the spare room. Last night they came over to invite me to go to the coast with them this weekend but I have to be in Phnom Penh so I took a raincheck but it was so nice of them to invite me.

Louan the boy is such a terror, you take your eyes of him for one minute and he has found the heaviest, sharpest or most fragile object in the room. I think I see what Dilan will be like in the future J

They have become minor celebrities over here cos Julian is massively tall and the kids are massively blonde so more than once they have been stopped by complete strangers to have their photo taken with them.

Interestingly enough I think they are the only Belgians in the world who don’t drink beer (COMPLETE opposite to Thierry) which removes the whole alcohol bonding thing but hey, he is going to buy an X Box so thats that problem taken care of.

Umm a bit sick at the moment and was OIC all last week during Chinese New Year (as everyone took leave) which was very quiet. On the upside I saw this pretty cool Lion Dancing outside my hotel on Sunday.

So this week I have Thursday and Friday in meetings in Phnom Penh then I farewell Kristy back to oz, another one of my friends whose time in Cambodia is up. But I know when I return to Oz I will have a great network of new friends.
But the weekend after that I am off to…HONGKERS! Yup international baby sitting mission to Hong Kong for a few days sponsored by Mark and Tara. Can’t wait to see the kiddos J


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