Tuesday, February 05, 2008

There is a house in Kampong Speu, they call it the Rising Sun

Hey Everyone

Just a quick post to give you the pics of my new place. I have been slowly house-swapping with the Belgians because the old place was too big for me. I love the new place cos even though its smaller I feel like the whole place is mine unlike the house when it only really felt like my room was.

Moving was a hassle and still have a few things to bring across. Although its funny having all the stuff you own paraded down the street seems to remind you that you own WAY too much stuff.

It is just across the street from the old place and is the top floor of the landlady's house. It should be a little less isolating than sitting behind those big yellow gates. The downside is that I have to be careful about public nudity as the Fine Arts School and the World Vision office can see into pretty much all of my windows :)

Also I can't really use my sweet speaker system cos the whole house vibrates and there isnt much running water (only late morning and late evening) but bucket showers are a lot more satisfying than you think :)

The Balcony

Its bigger than my old one and has nice views of the palm trees. I have my trusty hammock and a few seats set up there.

Now turning around and looking at the house

You can see my shameless Australia day leftovers and my new funky couch.
And then the bedroom

(and my collage of my homies from oz)

Back to the loungeroom

Tastefully decorated wouldn't you say. I have decided to keep the kids decorations that the Belgians dont want to keep me young. Oh and I now get awesome reception on my tv because its not spliced like it was in the other house.

The spare room

I try not to go in here after dark as I think its the mouse HQ

The Kitchen/Bathroom

I say kitchen/bathroom cos there is only a little wall seperating the two which is a little weird at first, but probably not too weird until I entertain visitors. Its a manual toilet again, red bucket for the toilet, green bucket for bucket showers.


Blogger Square Wedding Cakes said...

Does the bathroom still smell like dead people?

9:40 AM

Blogger Mapu said...

The belgians did something and now it doesnt in the old house. THey like cleaned it or something!

11:55 AM

Blogger Matt White said...

[Leah]: What do dead people smell like?!?! How do you know?

Well actually, now I'm imagining formaldehyde or something.

Which room does the ghost live in??

8:38 AM


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