Monday, July 07, 2008

The C Word

Hey everyone

Hopefully a quick post. As i mentioned its now election campaign time, so its funny to watch every square inch of space be plastered in political pamphleting. I also am quite near the Noroddom Ranariddh HQ for Kampong Speu so i get to hear their loudspeakers blaring most times, luckily they dont do it at night!

Corruption is a big buzz word this election, mainly because there is no actual law against corruption. As i have mentioned before my van has to pay two bribes to police before getting let into Phnom Penh when i come! In fact just this weekend my hotel offered to falsify my hotel receipts so i could get a refund from my employer (this week i was there not on business but i would like to think i would have said no).

Here people 'buy promotions 'recently heard the Minister of Tourism has to pay $250,000 to someone (wont mention who) to get his job. He then extracts part of the salary of all his staff immediately under him and takes a cut of big contracts. The staff under him then take a cut of the staff under them's salary and so it goes.

Another story i got told was by one of our Phnom Penh staff. He works for WFP but also has a job at a government department. Now he rents out his position to someone else , who is totally unqualified for the job and they split the salary something like 60/40 (this other guy even forges his name on reports). From his share he has to give 60% of that to his department head.

The mind boggles!

Some other randomness, this cafe i have never been to in KSP but is always overflowing. I found out the other day that is Kampong Speu's underground cockfighting ring...gotta get me a look at that one day!

And this vid details my ongoing saga with rats in my house...

Hope i have something more interesting for you next time : )


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