Tuesday, July 17, 2007


Hi Everyone

Have been up to heaps lately, including a few awesome monitoring visits and Anna's (Assistant Head of Sub Office at Siem Reap) farewell. Unfortunately I cant share the photos with you just yet.

So last weekend I decided to buy some anti-virus software for my computer (talk about bizarre impulse buying!). At the same time I bought a new external hard drive to back up my computer. Return home and decide to load the anti-virus software THEN back up my computer. Big mistake. Norton somehow deleted and cleaned the whole hard drive so it isnt recognised at all now. I have IT at work looking at it but it looks like I have lost everything on my laptop, including all my personal docs, my game on Transport Tycoon where I had accumulate 400,000,000,000 dollars but most distressingly all my photos of the last seven months. Hopefully i can recover some lower resolution versions from this blog, but annoying nonetheless.

When i sort it out i will post the photos on my camera.


Saturday, July 07, 2007

Randomness in the Spue

Hey All

Sorry, another post so soon but I just had to share some random events in the spue lately

Firstly, the other night (worried about mozzie bites) i put on some repellant before i went to bed. I couldnt find my usual one so I used this kids one i got free that smelt like that horrible sickly sweet bubblegum smell. There is also a large gecko that has taken to living in my room and kinda walks along the walls and roof, i figure if its minding its own business thats fine. That and its the closest thing we have to a cat. So anyway the other night i wake up in the middle night to find it licking my feet, attracted to the repellant (in which my faith is shattered). I kinda freaked out and kicked it off and it scurried away. Didnt sleep the whole night after that. He he he Gross...

Then yesterday we were passing through Phnom Penh so i withdrew some money but was given $100 bills which are almost impossible to break. So i went to the Kampong Speu bank and asked them to change $200 US into smaller notes. After about fifteen minutes watching the courtesy WWE wrestling on the TV i was quite suspicious about what was taking so long, they called me and triumphantly presented me with 819,400 Riel. Hmmm thats a fat wad of bills. Anything above 4000 riel is done in US dollars so i think it will take me a whole year to use them up! Mental Note: Learn khmer for $20 bills.

Oh and last night having stained both my white WFP polo shirts i was stain removing by the light of my headlamp to the tunes of ''Wu Tang Clan Ain't Nothing to #### with'' much to the bemusement of the guard. Oh and the stains are still there (the instructions for the stain remover being in Khmer). Hmmm

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

CSI Kampong Speu

Morning Everybody!

So this morning I got up at the Matthew record hour of 3:30 AM for work. The reason? To do an early morning monitoring visit (maybe more of a raid :) on the school feeding program of course.

After several wrong turns in the dark we (Vuthy, Piseth and Theary) finally arrived at the Pagoda (upon whose land the school was built). We were gonna go to another school as well but the gates were firmly locked and didnt feel it was appropriate to be jumping fences at that hour of the morning. So at the next stop we tip toed across this deserted pagoda to get to the school to get to the kitchen to see the real story before any dodgy records or previously used cans could be substituted.
Small shack with a pretty good stove built in with two guys cooking. At first we were impressed, the community was providing fresh vegetables to be cooked with the WFP food (canned fish, salt, oil and rice). Then it was downhill from there.
We asked how many cans of fish they were cooking (canned fish is the most stolen commodity) and they said nine, but we only saw seven. They then sheepishly recovered the cans from their hiding place. Strike 1.

Strike 2 - the storekeeper said he gave the cook 24 tins, we saw only 9. The storekeeper was stealing 15 cans a day which are worth about ten bucks. That adds up to a healthy little earner in this country where 1/3 are living on less than one dollar a day.

Strike 3 - Cooks are paid a monthly ration of 15kg (pretty sucky ration considering you have to start cooking at 4:30 every morning!). We soon found out the male cooks were receiving 30kg ration while the female cook only 15kg. As it turns out there were two 'ghost cooks'who didnt exist whose ration went to the male cooks.
Strike 4 - The school director was paying 3kg of WFP rice to the cooks for a cubic metre of firewood. Firewood is meant to be an in-kind gift from the community.

Strike 5- They cooked enough food that day for six times the amount of students that actually attended (let alone actually ate).

Nonetheless we suspended activities in that school. Sadly corruption is schools is pretty widespread, but at the same time understandable. Teachers earn $30 a month, enough to place them on the poverty line.

Otherwise things are going well. I am OIC as Mony is away in the field for the next few days so everyone is taking advantage of that by requesting to go to Phnom Penh early. I figure as long as they don't do it all the time and have finished all their work its Ot Panyaha (No Problem). The rains are getting pretty regular now so the path to work changes potholes pretty much every afternoon.

Oh this random banner ......has been hung over the National Road running through Kampong Speu leading to much speculation, no logo, no explanation of who ''we'' is?. Will keep you posted :) And apparently there is a Dengue Fever epidemic in Kampong Speu at the moment so the next post may well be from a Bangkok hospital :)

Monday, July 02, 2007

Holiday with Tess - Part V – Final Act :(

We arrived in Phnom Penh about 4pm and checked into the hotel and went off to find the Sovanna Phum theatre. It is a mix of traditional dance, shadow puppetry and music and was really great. The next few days mainly consisted of laying around the pool and eating great food. Unfortunately it all had to end eventually, and Tess flew off on the Monday evening. It was such a good holiday filled with all things nice and unheard of decadence (by our standards anyway :)

Anyway, back to the real world!