Thursday, February 28, 2008

Country Boy


Ok having got back from my Hong Kong trip on Monday (when I download the photos I will do a post on it) I had a day in the office and was driven completely mad so I needed to get out.

Ratha, the technical field monitor, had to head out to check some more culverts so I grabbed the opportunity to go along. So he, Vannak and I shot off into Basedth District. It is kind of funny that I have been talking about how dry things in Cambodia are becoming. Well low and behold comes unseasonable rains and we drive into a commune that had several lakes. I have been to this district a few times and never found this lake so its great to discover new areas.

Maybe because I grew up in the city I find agriculture fascinating (hence me going on about rice fields). Last year the community and WFP built two canals to connect to the lake. Because of this the people were able to grow dry season crops and diversify their income.

The main crop was peanuts and to tell you the truth I had never seen peanuts being grown. I mentioned this to Ratha and he promptly went over to one field, pulled one of the plants out of the ground and showed me the roots and sure enough dangling from the roots were little peanuts. Although I did feel a bit bad about ripping out someone’s crop, but Ratha didnt seem to think they would care.

The other main crop is watermelons. Apparently they can grow just of the dew overnight so they are a good low water crop. Being a city boy again I found it interesting seeing the different stages as we walked along the rice bunds.

From small

To bigger

To bigger

To the big one we saw and couldn’t resist so we bought it.

We then met up with the work crew making the last culvert (a mammoth one as you can see). I have run into this team a few times and its particularly memorable because one the guys there is a deaf mute who became one during the war. He’s a really nice guy and is always asking if i know any girls he can marry (deciphered through actions).

So the rest of the week I will go with Ratha on motorbikes to Kampong Chnang which should be fun. We learnt today that as of next week we lose one staff member, Touch, who will be transferred to Phnom Penh. So Mony warned me to get lots of sleep the next few nights because Friday night is a farewell party for Vannak (who has resigned), Touch (transferred) as well as our majorly delayed International New Year/Chinese New Year and early Khmer New Year party. And Kampong Speu boys know how to party.

Oh and this last photo is of the pot plant in my office. I haven’t watered it in ages because I forgot about it and when the cleaner took mercy and went over and watered it and all these suckers came out of the soil. Its a bit grainy but all the fuzzy bits are ants.


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